Local initiatives
Frosch is collaborating with the Oceanogràfic Valencia to unite and share efforts as well as responsibilities for the conservation of marine life.

Oceanogràfic Foundation
The Oceanogràfic, located in the City of Arts and Sciences in Valencia, is the largest aquarium in Europe, as well as a first-rate scientific educational and recreational center. Its main objective is to promote the conservation of the seas and protect the marine environment.
The Oceanogràfic Foundation is committed to providing new knowledge, to work towards animals’ care and well-being, and to inform and raise society awareness’ to improve the conservation of species and their natural habitat.
Inauguration event
The past 18th of October 2022 the inauguration event took place in the Oceanogràfic’s auditorium. In the event, the “Time Capsule” was inaugurated and Oceanogràfic experts presented the collaboration to different representatives of the press. This collaboration will continue throughout 2023 until June, when the Time Capsule will be submerged in the aquarium during the World Ocean’s Day. The capsule will remain there until 2030, when we will check if as a society, we will have been able to achieve the challenges inside it.